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[CNN] Qantas ordered to end labor dispute

Qantas ordered to end labor dispute

Qantas가 노동 쟁의의 중단을 촉구했다


From the CNN Wire Staff
October 31, 2011 -- Updated 0226 GMT (1026 HKT)

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Sydney (CNN) -- Australia's Qantas Airways said it plans to resume flights Monday afternoon after a government labor board ordered it to end a dispute with its unions that grounded the airline over the weekend.
호주의 Qantas Airways는 정부 노동위원회가 노동 조합의 쟁의 중단을 명령한 뒤 월요일 오후에 운행을 재개할 방침이다. 노동 조합의 투쟁은 주말동안 항공사의 운영을 막았다.


Qantas jets will resume service over the next 24 hours in a "safe and phased approach," company CEO Alan Joyce told reporters Monday morning.
Qantas의 비행기는 다음 24시간동안 "안전하고 단계적인 방법으로" 서비스를 재개할 방침이라고 회사 CEO인 Alan Joyce가 월요일 아침에 기자에게 말했다.


Labor relations tribunal Fair Work Australia ordered an end to the labor dispute "to avoid significant damage to the tourism industry" after Qantas grounded its jets Saturday afternoon.The airline grounded 447 flights since Saturday and announced it would be locking out its unionized pilots, engineers, ramp, baggage and catering crews effective Monday evening amid a dispute with the unions that has dragged on for 14 months, the board said.
노동 관련 조사위원회인 Fair Work Australia는 Qantas가 토요일 오후에 비행기의 이륙을 중단한 이후 "여행산업의 큰 피해를 막기 위해" 노동쟁의를 중단할 것을 명령했다. Qantas는 토요일 이후 447편의 비행편을 중단했으며, 이는 쟁의를 14개월이나 끌어온 노조가 조합에 가입된 비행사, 엔지니어, 램프, 화물과 케이터링 승무원들의 출근을 월요일 저녁부터 금지하고 있다고 위원회는 언급했다.


Qantas argued that the unions' demands would leave the airline "seriously impaired or destroyed." The labor board gave the two sides three weeks to reach an agreement, with a possible three-week extension if talks were making progress.
Qantas는, 노조가 항공사를 "심각하게 손상되고 파괴된" 상태로 남기를 요구한다고 주장했다. 노동위원회는 3주간 합의에 도달하기 위한 두 가지 방향을 제시했고, 대화가 진전된다면 3주의 연장이 가능하다고 밝혔다.


The decision "provides certainty for Qantas passengers," Joyce said in a statement following the decision. He apologized to passengers and said flights would resume as early as Monday afternoon.
Joyce는 성명서를 통해, 이번 결정은 "Qantas 승객들에게 확실함을 제공한다"고 밝혔다. 그는 고객들에게 사과하면서 이르면 월요일 오후에 운행이 재개될 것이라고 말했다.


The Australian and International Pilots Association said it hoped for a "positive outcome" from the talks, calling the decision to ground the airline a "gross overreaction" to its demands. "It is a sign that the current management has lost touch with the traveling public, its workers and the basic Australian ethos of free speech," the union said in a statement.
호주 및 국제 파일럿 연맹은


At Sydney airport, columns of "canceled" illuminated the departure board. Throngs of weary passengers crowded the help desk to rebook with other airlines, as suitcases lay scattered all over the floor.

"It makes me wonder whether I would book with Qantas again," said Isabelle Storer, who was stuck at the airport with her husband after a visit to the United States.

Their connection to Adelaide was canceled, leaving her frustrated because her husband needed medical treatment, she said.

Passenger Ron Fuller waited at the airport, albeit more optimistic.

"For a month or two, everyone will be anti-Qantas, there's no doubt about that," Fuller said. "But emotion probably gets in the way sometimes."

The labor dispute involves three unions representing air and ground staff of Australia's largest domestic and international airline.

Union officials have accused the airline of planning to outsource ground jobs at a cost of thousands of Australian jobs and of putting profits first. Pay and working conditions have also been at the center of the disputes.

The industrial action is aimed at ensuring Qantas will not have enough funds to set up overseas operations that will jeopardize job security, union officials said.

The move comes at an embarrassing moment for Australia, which is hosting dozens of heads of government and their staffs for the Commonwealth meeting in Perth.

Qantas CEO Joyce has come under fire for grounding the fleet, which was preceded by weeks of tension between the airline and its workers.

It's "a maniacal overreaction," said Richard Woodward, vice president of the Australian and International Pilots' Union.

The decision to ground the Qantas fleet, stranding thousands of passengers around the world, was unnecessary and grossly irresponsible, he said in a statement.

In a statement, the Transport Workers Union of Australia described the cancellations as "disgraceful" and aimed at destroying the airline.

Qantas, which has its headquarters in Sydney, is the second oldest airline in the world, and marked its 90th anniversary last year.

It employs about 32,500 people and flies to more than 180 destinations worldwide, according to the company website.

Qantas 호주 항공사
labor dispute 노동 쟁의
resume 재기하다, 다시 시작하다
labor board 노동위원회
union = trade/labor union
ground v. 이륙을 못하게 하다
jet(jets) 제트기 - 여기서 비행기로 해석되나?
phased 단계적인
tribunal (특별한 문제를 다루는) 재판소, 법원, 조사 위원회
Fair Work Australia(FWA) Australian industrial relations institution
lock somebody out 고용주가 (특정한 조건에 동의할 때까지) ~를 출근하지 못하게 하다
unionize 노동조합을 결성하다; 노동조합에 가입하다
ramp 램프(화물 적재·항공기 탑승 등을 위한 경사면·경사 계단)
drag on (너무 오랫동안) 질질 끌다[계속되다]
impaired 손상된, 제 기능을 못하는
gross 중대한


출처 : http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/30/world/asia/australia-qantas/index.html?hpt=ibu_c1